A downloadable game

After a long hard day of work you head home being finally able to relax, but oh no! What's this zombies??? A monkey??? Magical mirror??? Are preventing you from going home. How are you going to deal with this? It is up to you to figure out how your journey home ends!  Each card from a play deck provides a different unique fun story that will help you start your journey or help boost your score or harm your score. There are also different ways to play the game different If you don't enjoy the original game, so fear not! There are other ways to play the game, one game mode being Time Mode and the other being Challenge Mode! Each mode have the same goals of the game but are played in different unique ways to give yourself a different experience.  P.S. VIEW THE INSTALL INSTRUCTIONS IF YOU DON'T HAVE A PLAY DECK TO USE! it will provide you with a link to a free play deck to use online.

The Bizarre Journey Home is a single player card-game based upon "Alone-Among-The-Stars" by Takuma Okada. 

Images credits:

"The Marches of Wales. Notes and impressions on the Welsh Borders, etc" - by Harper, Charles George

" "Round the Calendar in Portugal ... Illustrated by Miss Dorothy Tennant, Mrs. Arthur Walter ... and the author" - by Crawfurd, Oswald

"The Half Hour Library of Travel, Nature and Science for young readers" - by N.A

"Robertson's Landmarks of Toronto. A collection of historical sketches of the old town of York from 1792 until 1833" -  by Robertson, John Ross

"London City Suburbs as they are to-day ... Illustrated by W. Luker ... from original drawings" by Fitzgerald, Percy Hetherington, 1834-1925,  Luker, William

"Sing-Song. A nursery rhyme book. ... With ... illustrations by A. Hughes, etc" - by Rossetti, Christina Georgina, 1830-1894

 "The Making of Birmingham: being a history of the rise and growth of the Midland metropolis" - by Dent, Robert Kirkup

"Eene halve Eeuw, 1848-1898." - by Ritter, Pierre Henri, the Elder

"The Haunted Station, and other stories, etc" - by Nisbet, Hume

"A Tramp Abroad, etc" - by Clemens, Samuel Langhorne, 1835-1910 

"The Bab Ballads, with which are included Songs of a Savoyard ... With 350 illustrations by the author" - by  Gilbert, W. S. (William Schwenck), 1836-1911 

The British Library provides images and releases them into the public providing public domain art for free of use. 


The Bizzare Journey Home Game.pdf 718 kB
Bizzare Journey Home Title.jpg 60 kB

Install instructions

This game requires the usage of play cards but If you don’t have any play cards and you're using an electronic device to view the rules… use this link: https://deck.of.cards/ (This will provide you a deck of cards to use, but make sure if your using this to write down the card you got in your journal because the shuffle feature resets everything!)